A special compilation of five episodes from the Stinky Dog series about the hilarious and fun adventures of a maverick mutt Stinky Dog and his faithful gutter companion Flatty Cat.

A special compilation of five episodes from the Stinky Dog series about the hilarious and fun adventures of a maverick mutt Stinky Dog and his faithful gutter companion Flatty Cat. Stinky Dog feels no hatred towards those who reject him. He likes living in his trash can, surrounded by his friends. He also wants to find love and tries to go on vacation, like everyone else. But because he acts a little too fast and isn’t the world’s greatest thinker, his quests are always complicated. But no matter what disasters he causes, Stinky Dog always lands on his feet! 

Screens with Bellysaurus (dir. Philip Watts) short film.

A tiny dinosaur dreams she is a scary big dinosaur. When danger strikes, she learns it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Literally.

Submit an artwork of your own stinky dog for your chance to win prizes! 






Davy Durand

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