Stella, played by the charismatic Paula Beer, is a young German Jew growing up in Berlin during the rule of the Nazi regime. Despite the repressive measures, she dreams of a career as a jazz singer. After she is forced into hiding with her parents, her life takes a turn, Stella begins working with a passport forger and learns to look out for herself.
Betrayed by a close friend, Stella finds herself caught and tortured by the Gestapo. She becomes a "catcher" to save herself and her parents from deportation to Auschwitz — a role that will force her to systematically betray other Jews and tragically move from a victim to a perpetrator.
This provocative drama is based on the true story of Stella Goldschlag who, from September 1943 until the end of the war, delivered hundreds of fellow Jews to the Gestapo, and post-war faced trial for her actions.
Unclassified 18+
120 min
German (English subtitles)
Kilian Riedhof